We Acknowledge that there is a higher power, and that there is a creator who reigns over humanity
Course No. THE 501 Course Title: Bible Theology*
Description: This course of study includes a theologically sensitive and historically informed examination of the life of Christ. In addition, Intensive emphasis is placed on the expectations of the Messiah while studying Jesus Christ as a person.
2 Credit Hours
Course No. PH 501 Course Title: Christian Ethics*
Description: This course addresses the apparent surge of religious intersest activity amidst the plummet of moral values. Also examined is a comparison of modern day ethics to the word of God.
Pre-requisite: HCH501
2 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 531 Course Title: What is Christian Education?
Description: This course focuses on the meaning of Christian eduaction, Christian nurturing, and reaffirmation of biblical relations in the educative process
2 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 532 Course Title: Biblical Foundations
Description: This course examines the biblical roots of Christian education by looking at early Hebew and Christian approaches to education. Important biblical vocabulary words will be studied.
Pre-requisite: CC531
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 533 Course Title: Christ: The Master Teacher
Description: This course provides a view of disciplinship and teachings as inseperable partners and teachings with enthusiasm, humor, and compassion.
Pre-requisite: CC532
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 534 Course Title: The Holy Spirit in Education
Description: This course focuses on the incorporation of the Holy Spirit in teaching and learning and recognizing personal development and maturity by allowing God to facilitate interpersonal communication.
Pre-requisite: CC533
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 535 Course Title: The Learner
Description: This course focuses on our development as social beings, thinkers, and moral, thinking human beings.
Pre-requisite: CC534
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 536 Course Title: Learning Theory System
Description: This course focuses on the various methods of teaching, i.e., teaching for understanding, attitude changes, recall, etc.
Pre-requisite: CC535
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 537 Course Title: Church Strategy for Chirstian Eduaction
Description: This course covers the church's educational ministry and professional church leadership.
Pre-requisite: CC536
2 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 538 Course Title: Principles of Teaching
Description: This course covers the principles of teaching, including motivational teaching and how the bible is used in problem-solving.
Pre-requisite: CC537
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 539 Course Title: Church Allies for Christian Education
Description: This course provides extensive study of church and family, which includes a biblical perspective for the family.
Pre-requisite: CC538
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CCL 511 Course Title: Field Education*
Description: Field Education of study to be announced per semester
Pre-requisite: CC539 or CC509
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 540 Course Title: Jesus: The Master Teacher
Description: This course examines the educational psychology of Jesus
Pre-requisite: CC539
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 545 Course Title: Pastor's Educational Ministry
Description: Practicum/observation to be announced per semester.
3 Credit Hours
Course No. CC 530 Course Title: Thesis*
Description: The final document which incorporates the origional study and research using historical, critical, biblical, and theological tools and analysis to interpret and/or explain an issue or topic in a biblical or theological discipline.
Pre-requisite: completion of all Master courses
3 Credit Hours
Core Requirement In addition to the 35 credit hours required for a Masters Degree, all students seeking secular degrees must take and pass the following two courses.
Course No. OT 101 Course Title: Old Testiment Survey
Description: This course examines the Old Testiment and acquaints students with major conceptual and theological themes as well as contemporary tenants of the Old testiment. Various sections of the Old Testiment will be used dependent upon the lessons to be covered.
2 Credit Hours
Course No. NT 102 Course Title: New Testiment Survey
Description: This course examines the New Testiment and acquaints students with major conceptual and theological themes as well as contemporary tenants of the New testiment. Various sections of the New Testiment will be used dependent upon the lessons to be covered.
Pre-requisite: OT101
2 Credit Hours
Course No. OT 401 Course Title: Bible Archaeology
Description: This course provides an archaeological study of the Bible which substantiates the historical implications of the facts surrounding the story of Noah, The Exodus, The Crucifixion, etc.
Pre-requisite: OT101 & NT102
2 Credit Hours
Course No. PH 201 Course Title: Christian Apologetics
Description: This course examines the current state and future of theological education through a search of the frailties of modern ideologies. A reconstruction of the educational foundation will be studied.
Pre-requisite: OT101 & NT102
2 Credit Hours
Course No. TH 201 Course Title: Bible Doctrine
Description: This course provides an extensive and intimate study of the Lord Jesus Christ; the person, his works, his names, the stages of Christ, offices held and his substitutionary atonement.
Pre-requisite: OT101 & NT102
2 Credit Hours
Course No. CH 303 Course Title: History of the Christian Church
Description: This course provides an extensive and intimate study of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: The men as individuals along with a comparison of their insightful translation of the world.
Pre-requisite: OT101 & NT102
2 Credit Hours