We Acknowledge that there is a higher power, and that there is a creator who reigns over humanity
Course No. PSY 101 Course Title: Principles of Psychology
Description: Concepts of psychology and theories of the human psyche.
3 Credit Hours
Course No. PSY 102 Course Title: Social psychology
Description: This is a foundation level course in social psychology designed to provide exposure to social psychological issues and offer insight into the theories of experts in the feild.
3 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 101 Course Title: Intro to Social Work
Description: This course focuses on the broad based foundation of social work, including social and human services and their roles within communities. Their is also an emphasis on human behaviors, counseling, and other client services.
3 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 102 Course Title: Human Behavior
Description: An in-depth look at human behavior and the catalyst for deviant behavior in youth and adults within various cultures and socio-economic levels.
Pre-requisite: SOW101
3 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 201 Course Title: History of Social Welfare Policies
Description: A historical look at policies, nationally & locally, that affect social welfare services.
3 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 202 Course Title: Social Wlfare Ppolicies & Legislation
Description: An intense look at legislation and legislative policies, both nationally and locally, that affect social welfare human services. A virtual tour of court proceedings and/or legislative processes is required.
Pre-requisite: SOW201
4 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 203 Course Title: Diagnostic Techniques
Description: This course focuses on methods of diagnosing various mental, physical, and behavioral abnormalities. Student will review data and cross check signs from two or more areas for verification of diagnosis.
3 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 204 Course Title: Addiction, Interventions & Counseling
Description: A course designed to look at addictions, how and why they occur, best practices and interventions needed, and couseling or group therapy treatment.
Pre-requisite: SOW203
3 Credit Hours
Course No. RWT 300 Course Title: Report Writing
Description: A course emphasizing clear, explicit and detailed report writing that meay be used in a court of law. Concentration will be placed on terms and jargon specific to the terms of social work.
3 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 301 Course Title: Human Diversity: A Multicultural Perspective
Description: A perspective of tolerance and services for people of diverse cultures and positive communication techniques viewed as universal among all people.
3 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 302 Course Title: Statistics & Research Methods
Description: Focus is on research methods and statistics related to human interaction, behavior, and socio-economic effect on diverse human populations.
Pre-requisite: SOW301
3 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 303 Course Title: Marriage & Family Counseling (CCL515)
Description: An in-depth study of various aspects of marital and family relationships, include the study of family life development, conflicts, and decision-making from a scriptual and interactional perspective.
Pre-requisite: SOW302
2 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 400 Course Title: Social Work Pacticum
Description: This course offers students "real" practice involving intake, implementation, placement, and /or disposition of two "real" cases (Authentic "closed" cases are preferred for verification of assessment.)
6 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 401 Course Title: Field Practicum
Description: This course seeks to apply and intergrate the knowledge, theories and concepts of social work practice by providing cognitive learning, case writing, and other activities related to a social work career. Students will either work in the field or shadow an employee in the workplace (1/2 a day, twice a week).
Pre-requisite: SOW400
6 Credit Hours
Course No. SOW 402 Course Title: Seminar (Social Work)
Description: Attend any Soical Work/Human Services Seminar/training within the last 20 credit hours of coursework.
4 Credit Hours